

Mauro Gomez Is Well Considered As a Replacement for David Ortiz in Boston Lineup (Harry G)

Mauro Gomez is under consideration of the management of the Boston Red Sox for the replacements of Ortiz. He is very talented player of whom the fans don't know much. The fans of the Red Sox should have a considerable knowledge that Gomez has been affirmed as the Most Valuable Player of the Triple-A International League and he has been up and down throughout the minors mostly due to an injury.

David Ortiz has not been able to attain fitness yet because of the Achilles injury that is why there are many question marks regarding the substitute of the Boston Red Sox player David Ortiz. Because of this injury David kept away from 35 games of this season and his insertion into the lineup of the Boston is uncertain.

Different questions like resigning of David and whether Gomez is suitable for replacement are in the air. The management of the Boston has been refraining from announcing anything yet but they should keep their eye out and make considerable effort for the possible replacements of Ortiz. David contract with the Red Sox has run out at the conclusion of the 2012 season.

There are different rumors about the likely return of David for at least another season. David has been struggling with his injury of Achilles for the majority of the season. By being affected from his injury he did not play 35 games of this season and still cannot play for the remainder of the season.

The management of The Boston Red Sox should seriously think about signing a full-time DH because David's injury has caught him up and there is a requirement to think upon this issue to sign a full-time DH. David seems to go further for a contract as his contract for this season has been expired. Ortiz is very much concerned about the status of his contract but it may not be worth the price that he will be asking for.

Ben Cherington the general manager of the Boston Red Sox should think about to let David walk in free agency and assign his job to Mauro Gomez. As far as the decision of replacing David Ortiz is concerned it is really a big deal but after taking into account the performance of Gomez who has hit.310/. 371/. 589 with 74 RBI, 65 runs and 24 home runs in the hundred games with Triple-A Pawtucket and currently hit has hit.327/. 386/. 462 with six RBI, eight runs and one home run with the Sox he is the most valuable player in the entire league.

Gomez has won the MVP as shortstop and as an everyday DH so The Sox should seriously consider player like Gomez. He is not a regular player but still managed to play significantly and well considered to be replaced with David Ortiz. Fans can enjoy the Boston lineup and their thrilling match by having The Boston Red Sox Tickets 2012.

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