

What You Should Know About Baseball Signs and Signals?

Unlike many other sports, which often include direct communications between the team members, baseball is a game which is full of signs which can be understood by very few. Mostly people who have good knowledge of the game can quickly understand the baseball signs and signals that very often involve the very famous baseball pitching signals.

All the different signs used on the field are nearly not as complicated as they seem to be and each of them has a definite purpose. If one watches the game after understanding the signs, the game will tend to be even more fun and exciting, as they would understand what is going on between the team members as such. Even for the player also it becomes very important for understanding the signals during the game; otherwise, many confusions may arise which would be unnecessary.

There are certain things to keep in mind while understanding the baseball signs and signals. They are explained as follows:

* Learning the signals is of utmost importance

During the game, the signals prove to be helpful only if both the signal giver and the receiver of the signals understand each other absolutely thoroughly. A team should spend quality time together along with the coach thoroughly going over the signs.

* About the batter:

There are certain things, which a pitcher as well as the catcher can notice about a batter. One can take advantage if the batter steps too much away from the plate when he comes forward to take a swing. The pitcher can pitch him right outside. The pitcher should also be careful to see whether the batter is close or far away. These signals give him good insight about the batter's style. The catcher should also look for the clues that would give him right tips about the hitter.

* About running signals:

One should keep a note of the base running signs. The coaches have to communicate if there is need for a base runner to steal and they want these signs if they are planning to do a hit and run. Many can see the coaches showing these signals from the respective dugouts. Whoever the base runner is should know to look for the specific sign and he shows signs by touching his nose, which generally tells that a certain play is on.

* Signals from the catcher:

One important key area in the baseball game is the signals between the catcher as well as the pitcher. The sign is given by the catcher who gives the sign by holding four fingers pointing towards the ground in the kind of pitch he want from the pitcher. For instance, a combination of three fingers means a changeup, two means slide up and one finger means fastball. The pitcher seeing the signal usually nods and then throws.

* Coach's signals:

Along with other baseball signals, including, baseball pitching signs, one should also keep an eye on the coach for different defensive signals. He may show a slight tug on his cap, scratch his nose, etc. All these are meant for defensive signals.

Baseball is a definitely one of those sports that relies on the help of signs and signals. It is a complicated system and must be mastered for someone to understand and practice as well as play the sport.

Roland Joy is an enthusiastic sports writer based in California. He is an avid fan of baseball and keeps a tab on all its latest developments. He is particularly impressed with signal enhancing GameSigns stickers. To be applied on finger nails of the throwing hand, these innovative stickers are of tremendous benefit for the catchers who frequently have to relay strategies to pitchers through the use of signs and signals. Roland recommends GameSigns to baseball players who don't like to get crossed up and want to relay their intended pitch with precision. To buy GameSigns stickers or to learn more about their benefits, visit .

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