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Affordable Pitching Machines For Little League Organization
The smaller youth baseball leagues want to contemplate finding as many tools of the pastime that will grant the greatest chance for youngsters to learn correctly and develop their skills as feasible. To begin with, you can discover pitching machine models that weigh just thirty pounds, which are ext
By: William Smith

Pitching Prowess
Pitching perfection. Amazing stats for some great players. You will not believe some of these numbers.
By: Aron Wallad

I Can't Wait! We Are Going to Cooperstown
The Best place on earth. At least one of the best. I loved going here. I think you will enjoy the trip as well. Wait till you see the glove. A remarkable piece of work.
By: Aron Wallad

My Office - Behind The Plate
Of all the positions I played, catching was the best.
By: Aron Wallad

Choosing Baseball Bats
Baseball bats come in many widths, lengths and materials. A heavier bat gives the ball more momentum but a heavier bat also means a less speedy swing. Bats that are made from graphite or aluminum hit balls farther than baseball bats made from wood.
By: Kenrick Austin

Great Baseball Quotes
Some players can say the funniest things. Some players are so accurate when they describe other players. What do you think?
By: Aron Wallad

Mr. Lear's Dream - Hopefully A Dream to Come True
Redo Yankee Stadium - That's a yes vote. Build a new Yankee Stadium - Oh no. There are so many more advantages to RE-creating the most famous ballpark in the world.
By: Aron Wallad

Unusual Baseball Statistics - I Love 'em
Some of the greats of the game had some astounding statistics. I guess that makes sense. Looking at some of these stats in a different way is what I think you will enjoy about this piece.
By: Aron Wallad

My Prized Piece of Baseball Memorabilia
I loved being the agent. Selling this contract that one of the founding fathers of baseball signed off on. It still gives me goosebumps
By: Aron Wallad

Top Ten Reasons Why I Love Baseball
The Ultimate Challenge Hitting a round ball with a round bat. The feeling I would get when I hit the ball. Just think of a baby that is crying for food. When that baby gets her bottle the first thing you hear is that ahhhhh sound. Oh that ah. When I hit a ball perfectly I would have that ahhhhh.
By: Aron Wallad

The Home Team
Our fathers taking us to our first baseball game, the perfectly manicured green grass and white on white of the baselines so precisely laid out before us as giants warmed up under the brilliant summer sun. From then to eternity that team was mine.
By: David Collins

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