

Should The Boston Red Sox Bring Back Terry Francona? (Harry G)

After the disastrous season of 2012 of the Boston Red Sox the ownership should think about seriously for the season of 2013 in terms of hiring a new manager. It is highly anticipated that the new manager is likely to communicate well with his players, grasp respect from them and save them when needed and this should all happen while handling the media and fan demands in New England.

People who are familiar with the behavior of the the Boston Red Sox can well anticipate that the owners are extremely obstinate and will never admit their mistake in parting with Terry Francona. Right now the owners are about to fire Bobby Valentine the current manager of the Red Sox and while doing that the owners will definitely try to lower the volume once they part with Bobby Valentine as the do not want any more drama.

Everyone is of the view that owners should admit their mistake of hiring the unsuitable manager for the Red Sox and abrupt dismissal of Terry Francona. Francona has established a good image last season as he led the team to two World Series titles from April 15 to Aug 27 last season. According to Francona he is thrilled to be back on the team and highly grateful for the second chance.

The owner Cherington has not yet decided to fire the current manager and this thing is very troubling for the people who are against Bobby Valentine. Valentine himself has begged to be dismissed from the team's West Coast but it's not happening as according to Henry its not all the fault of Valentine but it's the team malfunctioning, the injuries, ill fitting roster and turnover but it is also true that Valentine did too little to reduce the chaos and typically added to it.

It was the last September when Francona lost his grasp of the Red Sox he does not dispute that conflict. There were some players in the season of Francona who did not want him to be in the team but now those players have gone from the team and the arrival of Francona back to the team is well suspected.

All what Terry Francona is supposed to do is to maintain greater discipline than he did last September and try to manage with a strong hand. It all depends on the owner Cherington in the hiring of the next manager.

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